Error messages

What does "Insufficient information to create shipping label(s)" mean?
Problem When trying to create DHL shipping labels, the following error occurs: Shipping labels can't be created. Verify that the store information ...
Mo, 13 Dez, 2021 um 11:57 VORMITTAGS
What does "login failed" mean?
This article only applies to DHL Business Customers. Private customers please contact the DHL Customer Service, e.g. for problems with parcel lockers, t...
Mo, 18 Mär, 2024 um 9:24 VORMITTAGS
What does "Die ausgewählte Abrechnungsnummer steht nicht zur Verfügung" mean?
Problem This error occurs: status code 1101 Die ausgewählte Abrechnungsnummer steht nicht zur Verfügung Cause The DHL server (API) responds with...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:05 NACHMITTAGS
What does "hard validation error" mean?
Please see this article (currently only available in German).
Do, 8 Jul, 2021 um 2:25 NACHMITTAGS
Why can no shipments to the UK be created?
Problem When trying to create a shipment to the United Kingdom, this error occurs: Bitte geben Sie die Art der Sendung an. Bitte geben Sie die Versandk...
Do, 25 Aug, 2022 um 10:18 VORMITTAGS
What does "Deprecated Functionality: Optional parameter $genNum declared ..." mean?
This information applies only to Magento 2.4.4 in conjunction with PHP 8.1 Problem When trying to create or print shipping labels, this error may occur:...
Mi, 27 Apr, 2022 um 11:00 VORMITTAGS
What does "Can only install one of: dhl/sdk-api-parcel-management ..." mean?
Problem When installing the DHL Shipping module in version 1.2.0 (or higher), this Composer error message appears: Your requirements could not be resol...
Do, 11 Mär, 2021 um 11:29 VORMITTAGS
What does "Class Dhl\Shipping\Model\Attribute\Backend\TariffNumber does not exist" mean?
Problem This error message occurs: Class Dhl\Shipping\Model\Attribute\Backend\TariffNumber does not exist Cause The previous DHL Shipping module (up...
Do, 4 Feb, 2021 um 9:27 VORMITTAGS
Why is the map for DHL location search not displayed?
This article applies to DHL Shipping for Magento 2. If you are using Magento 1, please note this information. Problem In the checkout, the interactive ma...
Mi, 12 Okt, 2022 um 11:46 VORMITTAGS
What does "Cannot enable Dhl_Shipping because it depends on disabled modules..." mean?
Problem The DHL Shipping module for Magento 2 cannot be enabled with the following command: php bin/magento module:enable Dhl_Shipping This error m...
Fr, 24 Jan, 2020 um 1:44 NACHMITTAGS

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