Error messages

What does "Fatal error: Call to a member function getStatus() on null ..." mean?
Problem When creating shipping labels via the automated mode (Cronjob), this error occurs: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getStatus() on nu...
Di, 8 Jan, 2019 um 10:10 VORMITTAGS
What does "Invalid XML: cvc-length-valid: Value '...' with length = '12' is not facet-valid" mean?
Problem When trying to create DHL shipping labels, this error occurs: Invalid XML: cvc-length-valid: Wert '...' mit Länge = '12' ist ni...
Fr, 24 Mär, 2023 um 10:36 VORMITTAGS
What does "Shipment" darf maximal "50"-mal in der aktuellen Abfolge auftreten" mean?
Problem When creating shipments, the following error occurs: Invalid XML: cvc-complex-type.2.4.e: "Shipment" darf maximal "50"-mal ...
Mo, 19 Sep, 2022 um 11:40 VORMITTAGS
What does "Function ("createShipmentDD") is not a valid method for this service" mean?
Problem When trying to create labels, the error "Function ("createShipmentDD") is not a valid method for this service" is displayed. ...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:08 NACHMITTAGS
What does "der angegebene service ist nicht bekannt" mean when enabling Return Form?
Problem When Return Form (Beilegeretoure) is enabled in Magento, the following error occurs when trying to create labels: "hard validation error oc...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:08 NACHMITTAGS
What does "unknown" mean?
The errors "unknown" or "illegal product code/attendance for a account" indicate an incorrect EKP (DHL account number), or incorrect par...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:09 NACHMITTAGS
What does "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() ..." mean?
Problem DHL shipments cannot be created. The system.log shows this error message: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ... lib/Dhl/...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:11 NACHMITTAGS
What does "Undefined array key "shipping_product"" mean?
Problem When creating postage stamps (Internetmarken), this error occurs:  Undefined array key "shipping_product" Cause Use the command &q...
Di, 20 Jun, 2023 um 11:03 VORMITTAGS
What does "Error reading XMLStreamReader" mean?
Problem When trying to create labels, the message "Error reading XMLStreamReader" appears in the shipment history, and no labels can be created. ...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:11 NACHMITTAGS
What does "Encoding: string ... is not a valid utf-8 string" mean?
Problem When creating shipping labels, the following error occurs: Shipping labels could not be created: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: string ... is not a vali...
Di, 29 Okt, 2019 um 3:11 NACHMITTAGS

Dieses Service-Portal wird von der Netresearch DTT GmbH im Auftrag von DHL und Deutsche Post zur Verfügung gestellt. Netresearch ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von E-Commerce-Lösungen für den Mittelstand auf Basis der Open-Source-Systeme Magento und OroCommerce. Neben der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Strategien für B2B E-Commerce sind Consulting und Betreuung für eine moderne Cloud-Infrastruktur sowie die TYPO3-Agentur Schwerpunkte bei Netresearch.